British Intelligence On Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind
As early as June 1916, the British Intelligence Agency described Dr. Thind to be teaching sedition against the British occupation of India and thus, began a 24-year surveillance on his activities. While in Astoria, Oregon, Dr. Thind was an original member of The Gadar Movement, which stood for a Free and Independent India. While Dr. Thind did lecture for Indians to stand for freedom, at no instance did he ever advocate force or illegal activities.
This section outlines the yearly surveillance by the British Intelligence Agency on Dr. Thind, including his association amongst the founders of the Gadar movement.
The below text is an example of what may have prompted British Intelligence Agency to draw the conclusion that Dr. Thind was being an Indian “extremist.”
After reading the below text, please click here to view the British Intelligence Agency documents.
British Intelligence On Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind
Salt Lake City, 18th December, 1925
Salt Lake Visitor (Dr. Thind) Says People Are Tired of Oppression at Hands of British.
India will call her 300,000,000 people to arms against British oppression unless London makes satisfactory terms granting governmental liberty to India, it was affirmed Friday by Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind of Amritsar, India, who is visiting in Salt Lake.
There is a growing feeling of distrust toward the British among the people of India, and while it is India’s policy to be peaceful, continued submission to unjust rule will not be tolerated, and all of India will rise against it unless Britain makes immediate reconciliation, said the visitor.
Peace is the spirit of India, and force is the method of Europe, and if India must, she will adopt the European method of gaining her freedom, he added.
The doctor said India’s idea of freedom is a government that will permit her people to develop spiritually, and they ask nothing more. They do not wish to oust the British, they welcome them if they will grant India her rights, he continued. A status similar to that of Canada or Australia under Britain would be acceptable to India, he said, asserting that India is well able to handle her own affairs, and is as much civilized as any nation, her growth being spiritual, while that of the West is material.
It is India’s aim to spiritualize the entire world, and there is no suggestion of nationalism other than the brotherhood of all men, he said. In his opinion, a call to arms will hardly be necessary, for he believes England will compromise.

All the pages below will open up in a separate browser window.
- British Intelligence on the Activities of Bhagat Singh Thind 1916-1925
- Dr. Thind’s News Article Salt Lake City December 18, 1925
- 1926 British Letter
- British Intelligence Letter Dated February 11, 1926
- British Spying on Dr. Thind Lecturess 1926
- Intelligence Letters 1926
- Intelligence Letters dated Feb 11, 1926 May 26, 1926 && March 19277
- British Embassy Letter May 1926
- British Survellance Letter Feb 1926 on Dr. Thind Denial of Supreme Court Case 1923
- February 1927 Lecture at Detroit City Club on British Rule In India by Dr. Thind
- Indian Extremists List 1928
- Indian Extremists List 1931
- Ghadar Party Letter from British Intelligence 1931
- British Letter on Ghadr Acivities in America 1931
- Indian Extremists List 1934
- Indian Extremists List 1935
- Indian Extremists List 1939
- News Article Salt Lake City
- Proclamation by City of Astoria on Ghadar Movement
- British Survellane on Dr. Thind Lecture 62 Free Lectures