
Doctor exemplified his teachings by his own transformed and beautifully lived life. He was a fountainhead of energy and wisdom; a teacher after which we need no other teacher.

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  • In this, the final volume of the series Jesus, the Christ, Dr. -Bhagat Singh Thind -continues his careful and critical examination of the scriptures and practices of Christianity, and contrasts them with the requisites of true spiritual growth and the unification of man and God. Dr. Thind asks hard questions and answers them with keen and cutting insight. Why was God’s greatest creation—man—so imperfect as to require a savior? Why did God wait millennia before sending him; and why is man’s redemption still incomplete, two thousand years later? How—and by whom—were the gospels composed, and why is there no record of Jesus’ life other than the brief period of his ministry? What meaning can we ascribe to some of Jesus’ apparently irrational words and deeds? And why does Jesus never smile, but often weep? No defunct savior—be he Christian or Sikh, Jew or Gentile—can ever save mankind. Rather, a living and present guru is needed to assist each individual in seeking his own perfect unification with God, which can only be accomplished through meditation on His Holy NAM. The seeker must transcend both his human and animal nature and all other pairs of opposites, knowing that struggle and suffering are essential to the growth of the soul on its Godward path. Ultimately, we must learn to see reality with God’s eyes, as He Himself sees it. This rational, pragmatic, and testable -approach to -religion is the essence of Sant-Mat, or Spiritual Science. Indeed, science and religion are complementary, not opposites—for, as Dr. Thind points out, what is true in one cannot be false in the other.
  • A child’s mental faculties should be cultivated as early as possible, and a child should be taught early the difference  between knowing a thing and thinking or believing it. Training if a child’s understanding is far more important  than acquiring mere academic erudition. Judgement is more important than reading, and learning is of no use if the understanding be not with it. Train the understanding , the judgement, and reason, and the training of all other faculties will be included in the process. India’s method is to develop the goodness, truth, and beauty that lie latent within each and all, and thus to form an independent , self-sufficient individual and foster the idea of inner freedom. To form high character and to teach the young to take a pleasurable interest in observing and forming correct judgments on many questions with which they meet in everyday life is precisely our object in mind-training.

        No educational system can be called right which does not involve the exercise of judgement and call into expression the positive  and divine nature of the child, so that evil will have  less room to expand.


    ---Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind

  • “For Monarchs of Minds and Parables for the Multitude”

    Inner Circle Classwork Blessed Truth Seeker and Friend of Humanity

    To wait with earnest devotion upon a master with receptive mind and eager heart to know the truth, is to be his disciple.

    To be his disciple is to become an instrument of his energy. Intense desire is to become an instrument of his energy. Intense desire

    to be of assistance to ever-growing number of human beings and a willingness to renounce all false ideas in order to realize the

    knowledge of reality---it is this state of mind that brings the assistance of a teacher. “When the disciple is ready, the master appears.”

    The light that shines above the brow of an aspiring student is recognized by the true teachers, who can tell his position in nature and

    and evolution by the brilliance of his aura. The teacher demands nothing, but gives disciples a new conception of a higher and more

    expanded consciousness.

    ISBN: 978-1-932630-62-6
  • Glands and Gladness Vitamins & Vitality "Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life" The air we breathe is the atmosphere that surrounds us, if it be foul and filthy our health is impaired., be it good and wholesome, we are favorably healthfully affected by it. There is a mental atmosphere in which we live, which gives color to our lives, though often unseen affects us no less for grief or gladness, for moral exaltation or diabolical degradation. Nothing exerts so great an influence on our Psychial organisms as the moral atmosphere which we breathe. The atmosphere moulds the mind, discipline can overcome a nasty environment add to the nicety of an already nice surrounding and make it more conducive for human growth and goodness. The Ideal Life of those who we love and look up to either adds to our weal, or by the illusions we are rocked to our foundations, and by woes done to death or phoenix-like  we rise from our ashes a new-born god to be directed and governed from now on by Truth and Truth alone, leaving our mental childhood behind us; and see things as they really are from now on. Now study this booklet and learn how to acquire Radiant Health. -Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind
    ISBN: 978-1-932630-50-3
  • "Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life" The air we breathe is the atmosphere that surrounds us, if it be foul and filthy our health is impaired., be it good and wholesome, we are favorably healthfully affected by it. There is a mental atmosphere in which we live, which gives color to our lives, though often unseen affects us no less for grief or gladness, for moral exaltation or diabolical degradation. Nothing exerts so great an influence on our Psychial organisms as the moral atmosphere which we breathe. The atmosphere moulds the mind, discipline can overcome a nasty environment add to the nicety of an already nice surrounding and make it more conducive for human growth and goodness. The Ideal Life of those who we love and look up to either adds to our weal, or by the illusions we are rocked to our foundations, and by woes done to death or phoenix-like  we rise from our ashes a new-born god to be directed and governed from now on by Truth and Truth alone, leaving our mental childhood behind us; and see things as they really are from now on. Now study this booklet and learn how to acquire Radiant Health. -Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind ISBN: 978-1-932630-50-3
  • The aim of education is the development of a unified personality, in which all units of man’s being work together harmoniously. But how is this to be brought about? And where is this whole-making force? What opportunity exists for personal progress without knowledge of the units of man’s total being? And how can man know himself, if he remains ignorant of the forces that make him what he is? We are weak and fearful as long as we rely upon ourselves along. Let us enter the Whole-Being, of whom we are but a small segment, and we shall be filled with the fullness of His life. The deification of our nature is a thing to strive for: the strengthening and refreshing of our souls come from the Living Word, the Holy Nam or Surt-Shabad—the Lifestream of the Lord, the only unifying power in the cosmos. No scientific laws ever discovered or discoverable can compare in importance and necessity with the discovery of this Living Word, of Power, which unifies man’s whole being and makes him one in nature and character with his indwelling God. It comes not upward from below, but downward from above, to lift the soul up. The Pearl of Greatest Price is for all who seek to go ever onward, forward, and Godward. In God’s constant comradeship, ever hell itself becomes Paradise; and without Him, Paradise is hell. Only the most fortunate and elect of souls study such unparalleled books and become worthy to be connected with God’s Life Stream within them.


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