
Doctor exemplified his teachings by his own transformed and beautifully lived life. He was a fountainhead of energy and wisdom; a teacher after which we need no other teacher.

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  • A child’s mental faculties should be cultivated as early as possible, and a child should be taught early the difference  between knowing a thing and thinking or believing it. Training if a child’s understanding is far more important  than acquiring mere academic erudition. Judgement is more important than reading, and learning is of no use if the understanding be not with it. Train the understanding , the judgement, and reason, and the training of all other faculties will be included in the process. India’s method is to develop the goodness, truth, and beauty that lie latent within each and all, and thus to form an independent , self-sufficient individual and foster the idea of inner freedom. To form high character and to teach the young to take a pleasurable interest in observing and forming correct judgments on many questions with which they meet in everyday life is precisely our object in mind-training.

        No educational system can be called right which does not involve the exercise of judgement and call into expression the positive  and divine nature of the child, so that evil will have  less room to expand.


    ---Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind

  • Every human being is a Sikh, a learner, and he or she should be proud of being a Sikh, a disciple  who seeks to know his Master through the aid of the grace of the Teacher—the Lord God. The holiest name of God is Wahiguru—the wonderful Teacher. A man is known by the god he worships. The God a Sikh adores is the Most High Knower and Changer of Hearts, the Light of all Lights, who teaches through love and compassion and constant care and help and protection. The Sikh prays simultaneously to the Lord and the guru; he tells the God-guru his difficulties and troubles, and he is at peace. Having prayed, he walks on and forgets to think about the results of his prayer. If He answers the call, well and good; if He does not, still well and good: His will must prevail and be accepted. God knows best. And the Sikh can and does pray at any time and every time, with his head covered, shoes put off, and hands folded; standing by the road, in the temple, on the battlefield, in his home. He prays at a birth, at a death, at a marriage, at a parting, before meals, after meals, and on any and every occasion. Sometimes is not a full prayer, but just an uttering of te divine name Wahiguru—the Wonderful Teacher—all knowing, all protecting.
  • Tested Universal Science of Individual Meditation in Sikh Religion contains eight inspiring lessons on finding spiritual truth by means of scientific investigation into the human soul. These lessons, originally presented as lectures by Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind, focus uplifting the vital and physical man in each of us, with   no spiritual ideal liberating us from ourselves into our inner being.

         All conscious, subconscious, and unconscious activity of man’s mind functions purposefully as a unifying principle and power of the innate Godhead. Lying behind all phenomena is the power of God, which coordinates and correlates all into unity and synthesis; its name is Nam.

         Conditioned beings residing in conditioned existence can never free themselves to join the unconditioned and uncreated God, except by the grace and power of His Holy Nam, knowledge of which is vouchsafed by the gracious guru.

         By putting these blessed teachings of Sa-Guru Bhagat Singh Thind into practice, those seeking wisdom will learn to become one with both themselves and God.

  • "Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life" The air we breathe is the atmosphere that surrounds us, if it be foul and filthy our health is impaired., be it good and wholesome, we are favorably healthfully affected by it. There is a mental atmosphere in which we live, which gives color to our lives, though often unseen affects us no less for grief or gladness, for moral exaltation or diabolical degradation. Nothing exerts so great an influence on our Psychial organisms as the moral atmosphere which we breathe. The atmosphere moulds the mind, discipline can overcome a nasty environment add to the nicety of an already nice surrounding and make it more conducive for human growth and goodness. The Ideal Life of those who we love and look up to either adds to our weal, or by the illusions we are rocked to our foundations, and by woes done to death or phoenix-like  we rise from our ashes a new-born god to be directed and governed from now on by Truth and Truth alone, leaving our mental childhood behind us; and see things as they really are from now on. Now study this booklet and learn how to acquire Radiant Health. -Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind ISBN: 978-1-932630-50-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-943259-41-0 An aura us an energy pattern surrounding the body. Everyone has one. These auric patterns are easily seen when one has been trained to recognize them. They are wavy, like small whiskers. When we are ill, these whiskers are turned down; when we are healthy, they are seen to slant upwards. Sometimes, the colors are shimmery, sometimes dull, depending upon the bodily development— both physically and spiritually. The colors of the aura change constantly and sometimes intermingle. Now, study the meaning of aura colors and learn how them may effect your lives and Spiritual awareness of yourself and others.
  • “For Monarchs of Minds and Parables for the Multitude”

    Inner Circle Classwork Blessed Truth Seeker and Friend of Humanity

    To wait with earnest devotion upon a master with receptive mind and eager heart to know the truth, is to be his disciple.

    To be his disciple is to become an instrument of his energy. Intense desire is to become an instrument of his energy. Intense desire

    to be of assistance to ever-growing number of human beings and a willingness to renounce all false ideas in order to realize the

    knowledge of reality---it is this state of mind that brings the assistance of a teacher. “When the disciple is ready, the master appears.”

    The light that shines above the brow of an aspiring student is recognized by the true teachers, who can tell his position in nature and

    and evolution by the brilliance of his aura. The teacher demands nothing, but gives disciples a new conception of a higher and more

    expanded consciousness.

    ISBN: 978-1-932630-62-6
  •  “Winners and Whiners in This Whirling World is a collection of thirty-five spiritual discourses that explains to the reader seeking truth that the end or fulfillment of life is self-realization through self-knowledge.

         Dr. Thind teaches us how to transcend pain and pleasure and taste the source. He explains that one must renew one’s self, go back to his original source, put a halt to the eternal flux, and enter divine presence, there to be renewed by God’s regenerative and sustaining powers and come back to the natural world at will. This is the true meaning of meditation.

         The first requisite is listening to the Shabad, the Word, Second is seeing the God-form of the guru shining gloriously. Then occurs the joining of the two: Himself becomes one with the form of God in the guru. He becomes Immanuel. His Immanuel becomes a living reality to human consciousness.

    Now, read these spiritual gems by Dr. Thind and unite your mind with the mind of God.

    ISBN: 978-1-932630-82-4
  •  "Man is Deity in Expression"

    In this collection of deep and inspiriting essays, Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind imparts a true knowledge of life as it appears in physical manifestation. In doing so, he has set forth the true philosophy of life, in which philosophical selfishness is set aside, creeds and dogmas are relegated to the past, and sunlight of truth is permitted to shine in all its splendor.

         There can be no variance in truth. It is the same now and forever. Where there appears to be variance , it is due to a perversion by the instrument through which the observer views the world, such that the media through which life is manifesting is at variance with the object seen.

        The grandeur of life is destroyed by the attitude of the ego toward the objective world---which, however, has not changed. The change is within man, and is caused by the assumption of various moods. Instead, we must learn to view the world by the divine spark that animates  our being. We must become one with the Infinite in order to comprehend even a small portion of the all.

         Dr Thind has very explicitly blaze the path to full comprehension of our higher nature, and if faithfully followed it will lead the seeker to higher knowledge.

    ISBN: 978-1-932630-73-2


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