Doctorji Bio Born in the holy city of Armritsar and educated at Khalsa College, Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind arrived in the United States in 1912 and became a great teacher of purest spirituality, whose legacy continues to inspire truth-seekers to this day. During his early years in the lumber mills of the Pacific Northwest, Dr. Thind was active in the Gardar movement, helping to secure the same liberty for Indians at home that he and other immigrants sought in America. After a brief stint in the U.S. Army during World War 1, he embarked on a lifelong career of lecturing and writing that would eventually reach millions of truth-seekers worldwide. At the same time, he fought for--and eventually won American citizenship, a struggle that included a "landmark" Supreme Court case with a regrettable outcome. in 1929 Dr. Thind, or "Doctorji" as his students lovingly called him, began to publish--nearly a dozen books in his lifetime, with more than a score available today. In them, he set forth the profound philosophy of Spiritual Science, a tested method of uniting the individual soul with its ultimate Creator, which he insisted each person must do for himself. This long-awaited biography, including dozens of rare photographs, traces the footsteps of Dr. Thind's remarkable life, outlines the core principles of his teachings, and examines his legacy through the personal recollections of students and family who knew Doctorji first-hand.
In this powerful short work, Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind extols the virtues of Nam meditation and describes its power to lift mankind from its earthbound state and unite us with the indwelling God. To Dr. Thind, life is an adventure. “All things worthwhile in life…are adventures in which the human spirit goes out to experience the realities of life.” But in so doing, we encounter not only pleasure and happiness, but also hardship and suffering, which are equally essential to the human experience. The true path lies not in denying these, but in transcending life’s inevitable ups and downs by uniting them through meditation on the Nam. Indeed, it is our “adventure” in the world of opposites that gives the human spirit the strength and vitality it needs to complete its own fulfillment. Sansar Rogi Nam Daru literally translated as “Mankind is sick; Nam is the medicine,” is Dr. Thind’s diagnosis, prescription, and prognosis for mankind. “The goal of all science and scholarship is the glorious spiritual communion with the indwelling Lord of our own life. Only through communion with the Living Word can the body heal its hurts, the mind outgrows its doubts, the heart conquers fear and sorrow and rises victorious over the dolors of death. Progress, more progress, ever upward and Godward, is the magical panacea for all our ills.
Dr. Thind’s disciples count this book, first published in 1939, as their teacher’s greatest writing. It deals with enduring truths of spiritual import, verifiable facts of the highest human psychological possibilities. Dr Thind reveals an exact science, showing the seeker how to connect his individual soul with its Universal Creator. In the Preface he writes, “{This book} is for him who seeks to illumine his intelligence by the torch of his own Divinity, who hungers to attain the Consciousness which transcends the barriers of time and space.”
“The best, the truest help one can render a man afflicted with anxiety, bent with the burdens of life, disturbed by doubts, ground by grief, licked by luck, smitten and saddened by sickness and sorrow, is to call out his best energies and efforts, so that he himself by himself may rise himself and his sagging spirit, and manage nor only to bear the burdens, and cope with conditions, but to come out triumphant in the highest spiritual sense of the word.” This quotation from the Exhortation is an expression of what Dr. Thind hoped to accomplish with Science of Union with God. Chapters include: Union with God; The Unknown Is the Known; Ego vs. Individuality; Unification and Reunion; Sikh Religion Made Plain; The Song of the Soul Victories.
Religion in order to be religion at all, must universal and scientific. There is but One Religion, based on Eternal Wisdom. It is the science of knowing God, and the art of becoming one with him. It gives a person the correct concept concerning himself. It is a lift and never a load; a gift not a goad. Based on lectures given in 1927, House of Happiness is a fine introduction to Dr. Thind’s teachings. It is easily understood by and popular with young people, as well as more advanced students of Eastern religions. Chapters include: How to Find Out What You Are Best Suited For; Evolution—Passing from Lower to Higher Births; Consciousness—An –Inward Knowledge; Aum—The Sacred Hum of the Universe. The author sends this book out into the wide, wide world with his blessing and benedictions to meet eager souls hungering for Truth. May all who study this book discover by their own efforts their original unity, freedom, and immortality in God, the Absolute. -Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind
“Wisdom that Knows no bounds” From the yogis of ancient India to the masters of American Transcendentalism to the global thinkers of today, philosophers, spiritualists, and divines, be they Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, or Jews—all have recognized and extolled the wondrous power and beauty of divine truth and oneness and their transformative effect on the human soul. Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind has here collected the wisdom of the ages from all of these traditions—and several others—as a guide to seekers of all faiths and climes: the first true “bible of humanity” that opens the doors of spiritual reality to all people, regardless of caste or clime. Without preaching, free of condoning and condemning, Dr. Thind lifts us above the bonds of worldly causes and cares and focuses our vision on the one great goal worth striving for: a celebration of our true identity with the ineffable. One that lies simultaneously within and without us, here, there, and everywhere, and which is our true destiny and our ultimate reward. ISBN: 1-932630-61-9
“Every object which is not a product of nature, but is the result of man’s creative intelligence, requires a maker. The creator and Ruler of the world is omnipotent; He rewards the virtuous and punishes the vicious. In His government, there is no favoritism. But He has infinite mercy for those who repent and purify. Not a straw shakes without His knowledge or will. He knows whatever we do, even in the greatest secrecy. He is omnipresent and omniscient. There is nothing beyond Him. He is infinite. He is the cause of everything but has no cause for His own being. He is supreme, infinite, and perfect.” -Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind 978-1-932630-70-1
Troubled Mind in a Torturing World is a collection of seventeen essays looking at the things that separate man from God in the torturing modern world. It is being published posthumously after Dr. Thind’s departure from this world on September 15, 1967, to his Heavenly Abode. He had intended to dedicate this book to his father and teacher, Boota Singh Thind. Dr. Thind was deeply influenced by his father’s benevolence toward his fellow human beings and his deepest love of the Almighty God. Dr. Thind was inspired by his father’s spiritual accomplishments, which left an indelible impression on the author’s mind. He followed his father’s legacy throughout his entire life and built on it. In the lectures to vast audiences in cities throughout the United States, Dr. Thind often said, “The destiny of God is the most profitable discovery—and it certainly is.” Now read about this discovery for yourself. Chapters include: When Vision Fails at the Top; Declaration of My Independence and Interdependence; The Rise of Machine and the Fall of Man; Mind Cures Come and Mind Cures Go; Japa-Jap, or Mental Meditation.
In this, the final volume of the series Jesus, the Christ, Dr. -Bhagat Singh Thind -continues his careful and critical examination of the scriptures and practices of Christianity, and contrasts them with the requisites of true spiritual growth and the unification of man and God. Dr. Thind asks hard questions and answers them with keen and cutting insight. Why was God’s greatest creation—man—so imperfect as to require a savior? Why did God wait millennia before sending him; and why is man’s redemption still incomplete, two thousand years later? How—and by whom—were the gospels composed, and why is there no record of Jesus’ life other than the brief period of his ministry? What meaning can we ascribe to some of Jesus’ apparently irrational words and deeds? And why does Jesus never smile, but often weep? No defunct savior—be he Christian or Sikh, Jew or Gentile—can ever save mankind. Rather, a living and present guru is needed to assist each individual in seeking his own perfect unification with God, which can only be accomplished through meditation on His Holy NAM. The seeker must transcend both his human and animal nature and all other pairs of opposites, knowing that struggle and suffering are essential to the growth of the soul on its Godward path. Ultimately, we must learn to see reality with God’s eyes, as He Himself sees it. This rational, pragmatic, and testable -approach to -religion is the essence of Sant-Mat, or Spiritual Science. Indeed, science and religion are complementary, not opposites—for, as Dr. Thind points out, what is true in one cannot be false in the other.
This is the third in a series of four volumes written for those who have freed themselves of orthodox religious thinking and those who are ready to free themselves. Completed shortly before Dr. Thind’s death, September, 15, 1967, Volume 111 of this series is now published at the request and with the financial help of his many disciples. The four volumes of Jesus, the Christ, in the Light of Spiritual Science will serve all who are fortunate enough to understand and appreciate their content. They serve as a springboard to greater spiritual heights, wherein one appreciates more than ever the message of the Sat-Gurus, Saviors, Avatars, and Christs, of whom Jesus the Christ was one. From the text . . . “Many things that Jesus taught were never reported not written and many things written and reported were neither uttered by him nor entertained….” “To rightly know Him, we must have a mind freed from our projections upon Him of our own private ideas. . . " “There are many religions, but only one Morality, one Truth, and one God. The only Heaven is one of conscious life and fellowship with God. . .” “Spiritual Science needs no altar, no priesthood, no spiritual brokers, who make deals for humanity on the floor of the Celestial Exchange. . . " “Church thinking is done under prescription while investigating spirit is the essence of Sant-Mat, the Spiritual Science.” “This book deals with the Science of human nature and its transfiguration and transformation.”
This book is the second of three volumes in the series Jesus, the Christ in the Light of Spiritual Science. It has been often iterated and reiterated—but never sufficiently—that the Kingdom of God is within and everyone, regardless of cast, color, or creed, can enjoy the full, real, radiant, resonant, power-filled presence of the Lord of his life, and be identical with the Lord, co-operant, and participant with Him. This is the eternal emphasis of Sat-Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikh Religion, no less than it is that of Jesus Christ. Salvation is not an annihilation of individuality, nor a union of man and God in which man is no more and is the loser; it is the most living, loving, and creative fellowship of man and God, in which man becomes ever more Godlike. Eternal life is a present possession and not a post-mortem realization. If chemicals can restore the yield of worn-out soil, can we hope to renew the tissues and energies of our worn-out minds and inner beings through the life-restoring forces of the Word of God—the Holy Nam, the perpetual reservoir pf verities, and vitalities? Are these key-chemicals of life and body the lack of which makes men weak and woebegone, and the abundance of which makes them worthy, wise, wonderful and Godlike? What Dr. Thind writes in these pages is not only true for him but is testable by all.
In his writings and teachings, Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind has made immense contributions toward an integral psychology, philosophy, and scientific approach to religion. Finding God is the most profitable discovery; only in God is man truly himself. If Heaven is not within, there is no Heaven. The human mind is the place where everyone has to live, and it is within this human mind that everyone has to find his only opportunity for peace, happiness, and wholeness. The division between the mind’s different units is destructive and disruptive of harmony, health, and happiness. As Dr. Thind wrote, “For the human mind and its ills there is no cure, only palliatives, except one—that the mind be made whole. Only the unified mind can see things whole and see them all the time.” That which raises man above the beast and his ego-centeredness, however altruistically inclined, is neither the church nor scriptures, dogmas, and rites, nor any or all defunct founders of “religions,” neither the cudgel for the beast nor the cautioned restraint of the mentally matured, though all are necessary in their respective places. Rather, that which raises man to wholeness is the inward five-melodied music of the everlasting word of God, the Holy Nam—the Punch Shabad. Each individual is unique, distinct, different, and divine. Nothing can save him the hardships of his own self-development. We are sub-humans until we face facts and catch them alive; meet them, greet them, and beat them, and grow through them into the Godlike stature of our souls. Only then can we become “Pillars of Powers” as we work with Chardhi-Kala of the Nam—the power of horizontal self-transcendence.
In this collection of deep and inspiring essays, Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind imparts a true knowledge of life as it appears in physical manifestation. In doing so, he has set forth the true philosophy of life, in which philosophical selfishness is set aside, creeds and dogmas are relegated to the past, and sunlight of truth is permitted to shine in all its splendor. There can be no variance in truth. It is the same now and forever. Where there appears to be variance, it is due to a perversion by the instrument through which the observer views the world, such that the media through which life is manifesting is at variance with the object seen. The grandeur of life is destroyed by the attitude of the ego toward the objective world---which, however, has not changed. The change is within man and is caused by the assumption of various moods. Instead, we must learn to view the world by the divine spark that animates our being. We must become one with the Infinite in order to comprehend even a small portion of it all. Dr Thind has very explicitly blaze the path to full comprehension of our higher nature, and if faithfully followed it will lead the seeker to higher knowledge.
“Truth is not the denial of anything in life. It is the fulfillment of all things." In this series of seven lectures, Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind addresses the defining metaphysical concepts of Sikhism and discusses some of the more practical aspects of realizing the divine wisdom that lies within us all, here and now. A master rhetorician as well as an accomplished spiritual adept, Dr.Thind illustrates his lucid explanation of subtle but profound spiritual truths with traditional stories from his native India and entertaining anecdotes from his own experiences as a student and teacher of the path to realization. In this way, Dr. Thind leads the student to ask and answer such questions as how the will can coexist with nature and Godhead; how to develop personal magnetism as a tool for realization; how to manifest the latent energy of shakti and open up the seven chakras in daily life and spiritual practice; how to conquer the passions that drive worldly affairs and turn them to divine use; how to harness the power of concentration in meditation; how to use sex energy constructively; and much more. Divine wisdom is not some distant object to be attained; it is latent within each of us, waiting to be realized.
The Enlightened Life presents a collection of seven meditation lessons written by Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind to enable the seeker to find his own source of Truth through the daily practice of concentration and meditation. Dr. Thind explains that ignorance is the dark night of the soul, a night without stars or moon; it is the field in which all difficulties grow, in which all passions and weaknesses are born. The sage’s quest is for himself and within himself. He advances continually in the spiritual life by remaining carefully self-gathered within and sees the gleam of true light there, which dispels all outer darkness. Whoever wishes to know the Truth must sound the depths of his own heart. The eternal cannot be seen, so long as the mind is not as rest. The force of attention, properly guided and directed toward the Inner Life, allows us to analyze out soul, and will shed light on many things. The force of the mind resembles scattered rags; concentrate on them, and they illumine everything. This is the sole source of knowledge we possess; to attain this knowledge there is only on method--concentration and meditation. In The Enlightened Life, Dr. Thind offers the wisdom and guidance of a true sat-guru in the profound practice of meditation. For, as he often said, “Real action is done in moments of silence; there every battle is won before it is fought.”
The aim of education is the development of a unified personality, in which all units of man’s being work together harmoniously. But how is this to be brought about? And where is this whole-making force? What opportunity exists for personal progress without knowledge of the units of man’s total being? And how can man know himself, if he remains ignorant of the forces that make him what he is? We are weak and fearful as long as we rely upon ourselves along. Let us enter the Whole-Being, of whom we are but a small segment, and we shall be filled with the fullness of His life. The deification of our nature is a thing to strive for: the strengthening and refreshing of our souls come from the Living Word, the Holy Nam or Surt-Shabad—the Lifestream of the Lord, the only unifying power in the cosmos. No scientific laws ever discovered or discoverable can compare in importance and necessity with the discovery of this Living Word, of Power, which unifies man’s whole being and makes him one in nature and character with his indwelling God. It comes not upward from below, but downward from above, to lift the soul up. The Pearl of Greatest Price is for all who seek to go ever onward, forward, and Godward. In God’s constant comradeship, ever hell itself becomes Paradise; and without Him, Paradise is hell. Only the most fortunate and elect of souls study such unparalleled books and become worthy to be connected with God’s Life Stream within them.
Tested Universal Science of Individual Meditation in Sikh Religion contains eight inspiring lessons on finding spiritual truth by means of scientific investigation into the human soul. These lessons, originally presented as lectures by Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind, focus uplifting the vital and physical man in each of us, with no spiritual ideal liberating us from ourselves into our inner being. All conscious, subconscious, and unconscious activity of man’s mind functions purposefully as a unifying principle and power of the innate Godhead. Lying behind all phenomena is the power of God, which coordinates and correlates all into unity and synthesis; its name is Nam. Conditioned beings residing in conditioned existence can never free themselves to join the unconditioned and uncreated God, except by the grace and power of His Holy Nam, knowledge of which is vouchsafed by the gracious guru. By putting these blessed teachings of Sa-Guru Bhagat Singh Thind into practice, those seeking wisdom will learn to become one with both themselves and God.
“Winners and Whiners in This Whirling World is a collection of thirty-five spiritual discourses that explains to the reader seeking truth that the end or fulfillment of life is self realization through self knowledge. Dr. Thind teaches us how to transcend pain and pleasure and taste the source. He explains that one must renew one’s self, go back to his original source, put a halt to the eternal flux, and enter divine presence, there to be renewed by God’s regenerative and sustaining powers and come back to the natural world at will. This is the true meaning of meditation. The first requisite is listening to the Shabad, the Word, Second is seeing the God-form of the guru shining gloriously. Then occurs the joining of the two: Himself becomes one with the form of God in the guru. He becomes Immanuel. His Immanuel becomes a living reality to human consciousness. Now, read these spiritual gems by Dr. Thind and unite your mind with the mind of God.
Born in the holy city of Amritsar and educated at Khalsa College, Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind arrived in the United States in 1912 and became a great teacher of purest spirituality, whose legacy continues to inspire truth-seekers to this day.
During his early years in the lumber mills of the Pacific Northwest, Dr. Thind was active in the Gadar movement, helping to secure the same liberty for Indians at home that he and other immigrants sought in America.
After a brief stint in the U.S. Army during World War I, he embarked on a lifelong career of lecturing and writing that would eventually reach millions of truth-seekers worldwide.
At the same time, he fought for—and eventually won—American citizenship, a struggle that included a “landmark” Supreme Court case with a most regrettable outcome.
In the 1950s Dr. Thind, or “Doctorji” as his students lovingly called him, began to publish—nearly a dozen books in his lifetime, with more than a score available today. In them he set forth the profound philosophy of Spiritual Science, a tested method of uniting the individual soul with its ultimate Creator, which he insisted each person must do for himself.
This long-awaited biography, including dozens of rare photographs, traces the footsteps of Dr. Thind’s remarkable life, outlines the core principles of his teachings, and examines his legacy through the personal recollections of students and family who knew Doctorji first-hand.
A philosophy of remorse and resignation, an ascetic code of ethics, the denial and despair of all that man’s heart has ever wanted, a defeatist attitude of otherworldliness and world-weariness, constitute an insult to the infinite intelligence of the universe, a veritable sin against ourselves and the beautiful world in which we live, and which has a claim on us. We believe in the Infinite Power, and so we also believe in His Worlds. We are not placed here to deny Him and His World but to know Him, know ourselves and our world, and fulfill His truths in all them; to probe the secrets of earth and analyze the meaning and mysteries of Heaven; and to know the truth about ourselves---the truth that sets men free and establishes them in their own nature. ISBN: 978-1-932630-57-2
Glands and Gladness Vitamins & Vitality "Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life" The air we breathe is the atmosphere that surrounds us, if it be foul and filthy our health is impaired., be it good and wholesome, we are favorably healthfully affected by it. There is a mental atmosphere in which we live, which gives color to our lives, though often unseen affects us no less for grief or gladness, for moral exaltation or diabolical degradation. Nothing exerts so great an influence on our Psychial organisms as the moral atmosphere which we breathe. The atmosphere moulds the mind, discipline can overcome a nasty environment add to the nicety of an already nice surrounding and make it more conducive for human growth and goodness. The Ideal Life of those who we love and look up to either adds to our weal, or by the illusions we are rocked to our foundations, and by woes done to death or phoenix-like we rise from our ashes a new-born god to be directed and governed from now on by Truth and Truth alone, leaving our mental childhood behind us; and see things as they really are from now on. Now study this booklet and learn how to acquire Radiant Health. -Dr. Bhagat Singh ThindISBN: 978-1-932630-50-3
Health outweighs all other blessings, and regular breathing and gland exercises are worth a host of physicians.”
—Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind
The Benefits of Breath: “Health Is the Best Wealth”
Breathing is the very root of your life; it is vital. It is important, therefore, that you do it properly. No habit pays bigger dividends and pays them so promptly as complete breathing, maintaining strength and suppleness in all the sixteen vital organs of the body. It is the source of your health, your cheerful spirits, your feeling of youth, your energy, and your relaxation.
A body that functions at its peak is a blessing to its owner. Health is so much higher than all other values that soul can build its grandeur and glory upon it alone. No relationship can long be maintained without health, and no health without harmony of vital bodily, mental, and emotional functions. If you know how to regulate and synthesize mind-processes, you can cure disease completely.
The art of complete breathing is fundamental in your task of acquiring relaxation. It releases the nerve centers from the extensive tension that afflicts them. Correct and complete breathing has a tremendous effect on maintaining the harmony of body, mind, and emotions. It brings full relaxation. Only the relaxed mind is open to ideas. A deep breath helps break every fear or sinking spell.
The exercises in the new DVD, The Science of Breathing and Glands, 2nd Edition, comprise teachings that have been practiced for thousands of years in India, Persia, Egypt, and Ancient Greece. Originating in India during the Vedic period, more than 10,000 years ago, they represent some of the oldest philosophies in the world. They were perfected by ancient saints and yoga masters, who received this knowledge intuitively from the divine, and have been passed down from master to student for centuries. Originally this was a secret science, but today these same exercises are practiced as an integral part of any yoga class, in both the East and here in the West.
Building upon the success of the first edition of The Science of Breathing and Glands, the second edition includes three new exercises and comes with a fully revised and expanded booklet of explanatory notes and detailed instructions for each exercise.
The Science of Correct Breathing: “The Nerves Are the Man”
To know man, it is necessary to understand why it is that he needs air to breathe; and to know the air, we must understand how it relates to the life of man.
Without breathing, man cannot live. Breathing is the process of taking in vital energy and removing waste products from the body and mind. The chemical basis of life is essentially an oxidation of tissues. Oxygen carbonizes the lung tissue, and a fire follows the meeting of oxygen and carbon in the lung cells as surely as in the stove, and where this fire is kept constantly burning, it is impossible for bacilli and the cohorts of death to exist.
Shallow breathing, on the other hand, means that the waste material in the body is not burnt up, and the result is fatigue, or a lack of zest for living. The blood, filled with toxins, gets heavy, lazy and causes poor circulation.
Any impediment to respiration checks development, both mental and physical. When your personal rhythm is disturbed, it harms you physically, mentally and emotionally. Nervousness is simply disturbed breathing rhythm. A tense person never has the same amount of courage as the relaxed one. Conversely, the person whose breathing rhythm has the longest pause is the one least likely to break down under the strain of action. All competition is strain, and all cooperation is mutual gain.
Indeed, the breath-force or prana is the final cause of all the manifested forces of nature. Practical study and rigid training in the Science of Breath and nature’s finer forces through the unfailing psychotherapeutic methods demonstrated in these exercises will help all nerve, gland, and functional disorders and derangements, adjusting them through simple and natural methods.
These exercises are built on the comprehension of the law of radiation of magnetic currents and of the psychic potencies or force-centers found in all bodies, and upon their relationship to the cosmic force-centers and currents of the solar system and the universe. Our bodies are subject to the same rhythmic laws as is the Earth itself in its revolution around the sun, and the solar system around the galaxy, and the galaxy around the universe.
Much of the esoteric side of the Science of Breathing and Glands is based upon this well-known principle of nature. By falling in with the rhythm of the body, the yogi manages to absorb a great amount of prana, which he disposes to bring about the results he desires.
Meditating on the Breath: “Throb Thine with Nature’s Throbbing Breast”
As the breath enters your body and as it leaves the body, watch it, not breathing unnaturally but assuming the role of the witness to life’s function inside you. Watch as it comes in and out. You will notice in a short while that you will have a consciousness that you are something above life itself.
Later on you will have the feeling of hearing the beating of the inner throb within you. As Emerson says, “Throb thine with Nature’s throbbing breast and all is clear from East to West.” There is no such a thing as hearing the inner throb. Later on, some people close their eyes and ears, and they hear an inner hum inside them and they concentrate on that inner hum until they are totally lost in it. This gives a consciousness of being a witness, an observer.
Yogis seek to attain the state of universal consciousness through meditation and rhythmic breathing, and these exercises will do much toward developing this universal consciousness in those who earnestly and faithfully practice them.
The Exercises and Their Benefits
- Simple BreathExcellent breath to improve the liver and spleen.
- Vitalic BreathHelps in regulating weight for those who are overweight or underweight.
- Dynamic BreathBest exercise for those whose hearts are weak and vitality low. Helps in controlling emotions.
- Lung-Strengthening BreathGood for everyone, especially consumptive or tubercular people. Excellent for ex-smokers to restore the lungs to full function, and especially designed to stimulate the air sacs in the lungs.
- Beauty BreathExcellent for all who are bald-headed or who wear glasses. Keeps the face free from winkles, benefits the tongue, teeth, and tonsils, and keeps the thyroid and pituitary glands in good shape. Enriches the supply of blood.
- Constipation BreathPromotes health of prostate, brain, liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, spleen, stomach, intestines, and pancreas, and eliminates constipation.
- Insomnia BreathKeeps the body’s cells in perfect condition by eliminating dead cells and stimulating the action of live ones. Strengthens spinal fluid.
- Solar-Walking BreathCharges the solar plexus with breath. Charges the sixteen electrical batteries of the body (i.e., the glands). Eliminates fatigue.
- Lunar-Walking BreathQuickly oxygenates the entire bloodstream. Man dies for lack of oxidation. Relieves swollen veins and hardened arteries.
- Vibratory BreathThe longevity of the physical man directly depends upon the digestive and the creative brains, and their hundred percent health and integrity. This exercise keeps these two parts in perfect shape and form. It also straightens out the spinal column and gives it electrical vibration. Strengthens the pancreas, enabling it to mobilize starch better. Improves the power of hearing.
- Pineal Gland ExerciseFor good constructive thinking and its healthiest reflection. A vital body vitally needs this vital gland.
- Vagus Nerve ExerciseControls heart action and life waves. Strengthens the metabolism.
- Adrenal Gland ExerciseExcellent for kidneys, suprarenal and adrenal glands, spleen, liver, and lymph nodes. Keeps these vital organs in excellent health.
- Parathyroid Gland ExerciseFor bronchial and neck glands. Bronchial tube troubles will eventually leave and the throat will be in excellent condition.
- Adam’s Apple ExerciseEnergizes the entire abdominal region. Speakers and singers will most appreciate this exercise. Renders the voice soft, beautiful, flexible, and powerful.
- Dog ExerciseExcellent for eyesight, thyroid gland, solar plexus, and sex glands.
- Rejuvenation ExerciseA tonic for the entire body. Varicose veins will vanish. All brain congestion is cleared, making the thinking better.
- Regeneration ExerciseFor control of sex organs. Sex organs will be divinely strong and under moral control.
- Plough PostureStrengthens generative and abdominal regions.
The Effects of Using These Breathing Exercises
The exercises in The Science of Breathing and Glands bring stimulating pressure to bear on important nerve centers, which in turn stimulate and energize the entire nervous system and send an increased flow of nerve-force to all parts of the body. By practicing these exercises as a way of life, the student of breath can increase the circulation in any part of the body by an order from the will, and in the same way he can direct an increased current of nerve-force to any part or organ, stimulating and strengthening it.
Practiced devotedly, respirotherapy, or the Science of Breathing and Glands exercises, helps remove all ailments. These exercises are wonderful for developing the lungs, muscles, ligaments, air sacs of the lungs, and all parts of the body, and are especially effective against chronic conditions.
These corrective exercises, combined with selective diet, help cure the following conditions: constipation, dyspepsia, sleeplessness, melancholy, nervous exhaustion, headache, piles, heart disease, neuralgia, sinus troubles, diabetes, hysteria, consumption, obesity and underweight, sterility, and impotence. They result in definite improvement of circulation, digestion, assimilation, and elimination. In these ways, complete breathing can even arrest the process of aging itself—the mother of all chronic conditions.
Breathing and Other Disciplines
Complete breathing enhances all it touches, and it is an invaluable aid to all other health and fitness practices.
Rhythmic breathing improves the efficacy of all healing modalities by several hundred percent, in that it increases the flow of nerve- and breath-energy to the site of healing. A knowledge of the Science of Breathing and Glands is a great asset to any health practitioner.
Likewise, yoga instructors, fitness professionals, and personal trainers will, through these exercises, become more aware of the truths and myths surrounding the art of breathing, as well as of the related conditions affected by proper or improper breathing. This will allow them to better teach and guide their students and clients.
“All life on Earth is breath. All else on Earth is death. Breath is the flywheel of life: its dynaspheric finer forces, sanely used, add years to life and life to years.”
—Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind
ISBN: 1-932630-48-1 -
Our diet is mainly a revealer, an indicator, of our innate nature, our constitution, habits of life and thought. Character is not determined by diet, but diet is determined by character. When man is reformed, refined and resurrected by the light of truth; when high ideals have held him; taken possession of his mind; when his soul loves purity to such an extent that impurity and uncleanness in food have become obnoxious and offensive to him; then a real reform is instituted within him, which will endure ad grow to the end of time. No arbitrary methods, no force from with-out ever brings “change of heart” from within. It must be born there or it will be unreal. I do not care what you eat so long as you, the partaker of food, are the same. All food will be converted into yourself. If you are impure, you will extract impurity from the finest food. “Out of the same flower the bee extracts honey, and the spider poison.” If you are sensual, all food will nourish your sensuality. If you are pure enough you may ear pork and not become swinish – but you will have to eat such things with your eyes closed and conscience asleep.
In order to make rapid spiritual process and to attain to greater mental heights, we must learn to 1 – Breath Right, 2 - Drink Right, 3 – Eat Right, 4 – Exercise Right, 5- Sleep Right and 6 – Think Right, and 7 – Act Right, and 8 – Live and Love Right, and let go the fruits thereof.
---Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind
ISBN: 1-932630-49-X