ISBN-13: 978-1-932630-90-9
Doctorji: The Life, Teachings, and Legacy of Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind
by Amanda de la Garza
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The long awaited biography of Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind is now available. In The Life, Teachings, and Legacy of Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind, walk in Dr. Thind’s shoes as he develops his spiritual teachings in the United States where he lectured to over five million Americans on Sant Mat or Spiritual Science Here and Now.
Read more about this wonderful book! (From the book front flap.)
Born in the holy city of Amritsar and educated at Khalsa College, Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind arrived in the United States in 1912 and became a great teacher of purest spirituality, whose legacy continues to inspire truth-seekers to this day.
During his early years in the lumber mills of the Pacific Northwest, Dr. Thind was active in the Gadar movement, helping to secure the same liberty for Indians at home that he and other immigrants sought in America.
After a brief stint in the U.S. Army during World War I, he embarked on a lifelong career of lecturing and writing that would eventually reach millions of truth-seekers worldwide.
At the same time, he fought for—and eventually won—American citizenship, a struggle that included a “landmark” Supreme Court case with a most regrettable outcome.
In the 1950’s, Dr. Thind, or “Doctorji” as his students lovingly called him, began to publish nearly a dozen books in his lifetime, with scores available today. In them he set forth the profound philosophy of Spiritual Science, a tested method of uniting the individual soul with its ultimate Creator, which he insisted each person must do for himself.
This long-awaited biography, including dozens of rare photographs, traces the footsteps of Dr. Thind’s remarkable life, outlines the core principles of his teachings, and examines his legacy through the personal recollections of students and family who knew Doctorji first-hand.