
Doctor exemplified his teachings by his own transformed and beautifully lived life. He was a fountainhead of energy and wisdom; a teacher after which we need no other teacher.

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  • In this, the final volume of the series Jesus, the Christ, Dr. -Bhagat Singh Thind -continues his careful and critical examination of the scriptures and practices of Christianity, and contrasts them with the requisites of true spiritual growth and the unification of man and God.

    Dr. Thind asks hard questions, and answers them with keen and cutting insight. Why was God’s greatest creation—man—so imperfect as to require a savior? Why did God wait millennia before sending him; and why is man’s redemption still incomplete, two thousand years later? How—and by whom—were the gospels composed, and why is there no record of Jesus’ life other than the brief period of his ministry? What meaning can we ascribe to some of Jesus’ apparently irrational words and deeds? And why does Jesus never smile, but often weep?

    No defunct savior—be he Christian or Sikh, Jew or Gentile—can ever save mankind. Rather, a living and present guru is needed to assist each individual in seeking his own perfect unification with God, which can only be accomplished through meditation on His Holy Na¯m. The seeker must transcend both his human and animal nature, and all other pairs of opposites, knowing that struggle and suffering are essential to the growth of the soul on its Godward path. Ultimately, we must learn to see reality with God’s eyes, as He Himself sees it.

    This rational, pragmatic, and testable -approach to -religion is the essence of Sant-Mat, or Spiritual Science. Indeed, science and religion are complementary, not opposites—for, as Dr. Thind points out, what is true in one cannot be false in the other.

    ISBN: 978-1-932630-77-0
  • Surely there’s nothing wrong with you . . . . . . . . . . ..that reincarnation wouldn’t cure. ISBN: 978-1-932630-69-5
  • Religion in order to be religion at all, must universal and scientific. There is but One Religion, based on Eternal Wisdom. It is the science of knowing God, and the art of becoming one with him. It gives a person the correct concept concerning himself. It is a lift and never a load; a gift not a goad. Based on lectures given in 1927, House of Happiness is a fine introduction to Dr. Thind’s teachings. It is easily understood by and popular with young people, as well as more advanced students of Eastern religions. Chapters include: How to Find Out What You Are Best Suited For; Evolution—Passing from Lower to Higher Births; Consciousness—An –Inward Knowledge; Aum—The Sacred Hum of the Universe. The author sends this book out into the wide, wide world with his blessing and benedictions to meet eager souls hungering for Truth. May all who study this book discover by their own efforts their original unity, freedom, and immortality in God, the Absolute. -Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind
  • Our diet is mainly a revealer, an indicator, of our innate nature, our constitution, habits of life and thought. Character is not determined by diet, but diet is determined by character. When man is reformed, refined and resurrected by the light of truth; when high ideals have held him; taken possession of his mind; when his soul loves purity to such an extent that impurity and uncleanness in food have become obnoxious and offensive to him; then a real reform is instituted within him, which will endure ad grow to the end of time. No arbitrary methods, no force from with-out ever brings “change of heart” from within. It must be  born there or it will be unreal. I do not care what you eat so long as you, the partaker of food, are the same. All food will be converted into yourself. If you are impure, you will extract impurity from the finest food. “Out of the same flower the bee extracts honey, and the spider poison.” If you are sensual, all food will nourish your sensuality. If you are pure enough you may ear pork and not become swinish – but you will have to eat such things with your eyes closed and conscience asleep.
  •   In order to make rapid spiritual process and to attain to greater mental heights, we must learn to 1 – Breath Right, 2 - Drink Right, 3 – Eat Right, 4 – Exercise Right, 5- Sleep Right and 6 – Think Right, and 7 – Act Right, and 8 – Live and Love Right, and let go the fruits thereof.

    ---Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind

    ISBN: 1-932630-49-X

  • Dr. Thind in 1966



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