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  • Subtitle: How to be Spiritually Shock-Proof in a Disturbing World In this powerful short work, Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind extols the virtues of Na¯m meditation and describes its power to lift mankind from its earthbound state and unite us with the indwelling God. To Dr. Thind, life is an adventure. “All things worthwhile in life…are adventures in which the human spirit goes out to experience the realities of life.” But in so doing, we encounter not only pleasure and happiness, but also hardship and suffering, which are equally essential to the human experience. The true path lies not in denying these, but in transcending life’s inevitable ups and downs by uniting them through meditation on the Na¯m. Indeed, it is our “adventure” in the world of opposites that gives the human spirit the strength and vitality it needs to complete its own fulfillment. Sansa¯r Rogi Na¯m Da¯ru, literally translated as “Mankind is sick; Na¯m is the medicine,” is Dr. Thind’s diagnosis, prescription, and prognosis for mankind. “The goal of all science and scholarship is the glorious spiritual communion with the indwelling Lord of our own life.… Only through communion with the Living Word can the body heal its hurts, the mind outgrow its doubts, the heart conquer fear and sorrow and rise victorious over the dolor’s of death. Progress, more progress, ever upward and Godward, is the magical panacea for all our ills.”

    ISBN: 978-1-932630-52-7

  • "We need the Word of God to break up the sluggishness, the weariness, the inertia of the moments in our life that are our very own.” Light and love could not pour into us unless we were built of both light and love and so could draw both from the depths of life’s ocean by native attraction to the Nam—their source and strength. Nature is organizationally a magazine of incompatibilities. Man, never realizes God until he can experience this consciousness of the Nam, working in the ups and the downs of life and world, which removes all inner resentment and rebellion. Then he surrenders and feels at home in every situation. In the Nam is the profoundly wise duality of our inmost spirit, constructed for our immortal career for us in progression. ISBN: 978-1-932630-58-9
  • Most religions are like a combination salad: they are made up of a number of evergreen virtues, a choice set of handsome  dogmas, a little oil-of-beauty, a few slices of wholesome philosophy, seasoned with the salt and pepper of good works, favored with the dressing of prayer, garnished with an attractive ritual, and served by a polished waiter called a priest. This may have some value as a cleansing diet, but the Bread of Life is not in it. When the hungry soul contacts the Audible Life Stream, then and then alone does man enter upon life everlasting. And only the does he experience perfect love from above, vibrating through every fiber and pore of his being.
  • “For Monarchs of Minds and Parables for the Multitude”

    Inner Circle Classwork Blessed Truth Seeker and Friend of Humanity

    To wait with earnest devotion upon a master with receptive mind and eager heart to know the truth, is to be his disciple.

    To be his disciple is to become an instrument of his energy. Intense desire is to become an instrument of his energy. Intense desire

    to be of assistance to ever-growing number of human beings and a willingness to renounce all false ideas in order to realize the

    knowledge of reality---it is this state of mind that brings the assistance of a teacher. “When the disciple is ready, the master appears.”

    The light that shines above the brow of an aspiring student is recognized by the true teachers, who can tell his position in nature and

    and evolution by the brilliance of his aura. The teacher demands nothing, but gives disciples a new conception of a higher and more

    expanded consciousness.

    ISBN: 978-1-932630-62-6
  • A child’s mental faculties should be cultivated as early as possible, and a child should be taught early the difference  between knowing a thing and thinking or believing it. Training if a child’s understanding is far more important  than acquiring mere academic erudition. Judgement is more important than reading, and learning is of no use if the understanding be not with it. Train the understanding , the judgement, and reason, and the training of all other faculties will be included in the process. India’s method is to develop the goodness, truth, and beauty that lie latent within each and all, and thus to form an independent , self-sufficient individual and foster the idea of inner freedom. To form high character and to teach the young to take a pleasurable interest in observing and forming correct judgments on many questions with which they meet in everyday life is precisely our object in mind-training.

        No educational system can be called right which does not involve the exercise of judgement and call into expression the positive  and divine nature of the child, so that evil will have  less room to expand.


    ---Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind

  • Every human being is a Sikh, a learner, and he or she should be proud of being a Sikh, a disciple  who seeks to know his Master through the aid of the grace of the Teacher—the Lord God. The holiest name of God is Wahiguru—the wonderful Teacher. A man is known by the god he worships. The God a Sikh adores is the Most High Knower and Changer of Hearts, the Light of all Lights, who teaches through love and compassion and constant care and help and protection. The Sikh prays simultaneously to the Lord and the guru; he tells the God-guru his difficulties and troubles, and he is at peace. Having prayed, he walks on and forgets to think about the results of his prayer. If He answers the call, well and good; if He does not, still well and good: His will must prevail and be accepted. God knows best. And the Sikh can and does pray at any time and every time, with his head covered, shoes put off, and hands folded; standing by the road, in the temple, on the battlefield, in his home. He prays at a birth, at a death, at a marriage, at a parting, before meals, after meals, and on any and every occasion. Sometimes is not a full prayer, but just an uttering of te divine name Wahiguru—the Wonderful Teacher—all knowing, all protecting.
  • This lecture was a five minute speech given at the opening session of the World Fellowship of Faiths at the second Parliament of Religions, held in the Morrison Hotel, Friday, August 27, 1933, Chicago, Illinois. Religion is not a command from without, but a growth in ourselves. It is a being-becoming , growing in life from within like an endogen, drawing substance also from without. Religion is to be in tune with the infinite. It is the budding forth of the lotus of the heart, the correspondence with the environment of the soul, the opening out of the fountains from within, the setting a flow of the waters of life that proceed from the throne of the Most High.
  • The Bhagavad Geeta and Sukh-Mani Sahib (of Guru Arjan) “The Consoler of Mind” are strongly recommended for divine Understanding. Also, “Radiant Road to Reality”


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