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  • Tested Universal Science of Individual Meditation in Sikh Religion contains eight inspiring lessons on finding spiritual truth by means of scientific investigation into the human soul. These lessons, originally presented as lectures by Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind, focus uplifting the vital and physical man in each of us, with no spiritual ideal liberating us from ourselves into our inner being. All conscious, subconscious, and unconscious activity of man’s mind functions purposefully as a unifying principle and power of the innate Godhead. Lying behind all phenomena is the power of God, which coordinates and correlates all into unity and synthesis; its name is Nam. Conditioned beings residing in conditioned existence can never free themselves to join the unconditioned and uncreated God, except by the grace and power of His Holy Nam, knowledge of which is vouchsafed by the gracious guru. By putting these blessed teachings of Sa-Guru Bhagat Singh Thind into practice, those seeking wisdom will learn to become one with both themselves and God.
  • Tested Universal Science of Individual Meditation in Sikh Religion contains eight inspiring lessons on finding spiritual truth by means of scientific investigation into the human soul. These lessons, originally presented as lectures by Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind, focus uplifting the vital and physical man in each of us, with   no spiritual ideal liberating us from ourselves into our inner being.

         All conscious, subconscious, and unconscious activity of man’s mind functions purposefully as a unifying principle and power of the innate Godhead. Lying behind all phenomena is the power of God, which coordinates and correlates all into unity and synthesis; its name is Nam.

         Conditioned beings residing in conditioned existence can never free themselves to join the unconditioned and uncreated God, except by the grace and power of His Holy Nam, knowledge of which is vouchsafed by the gracious guru.

         By putting these blessed teachings of Sa-Guru Bhagat Singh Thind into practice, those seeking wisdom will learn to become one with both themselves and God.

  • Soul Celestial

    Wisdom that

    Know no bounds

         From the yogis of ancient India to the masters of American Transcendentalism to the global thinkers of today, philosophers, spiritualists, and divines, be they Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, or Jews—all have recognized and extolled the wondrous power and beauty of divine truth and oneness and their transformative effect on the human soul.

         Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind has here collected the wisdom of the ages from all of these traditions—and several others—as a guide to seekers of all faiths and climes: the first true “bible of humanity” that opens the doors of spiritual reality to all people, regardless of caste or clime. Without preaching, free of condoning and condemning, Dr. Thind lifts us above the bonds of worldly causes and cares and focuses our vision on the one great goal worth striving for: a celebration of our true identity with the ineffable. One that lies simultaneously within and without us, here, there, and everywhere, and which is our true destiny and our ultimate reward.

  • Wisdom that Know no bounds From the yogis of ancient India to the masters of American Transcendentalism to the global thinkers of today, philosophers, spiritualists, and divines, be they Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, or Jews—all have recognized and extolled the wondrous power and beauty of divine truth and oneness and their transformative effect on the human soul. Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind has here collected the wisdom of the ages from all of these traditions—and several others—as a guide to seekers of all faiths and climes: the first true “bible of humanity” that opens the doors of spiritual reality to all people, regardless of caste or clime. Without preaching, free of condoning and condemning, Dr. Thind lifts us above the bonds of worldly causes and cares and focuses our vision on the one great goal worth striving for: a celebration of our true identity with the ineffable. One that lies simultaneously within and without us, here, there, and everywhere, and which is our true destiny and our ultimate reward.
  • In this powerful short work, Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind extols the virtues of Na¯mmeditation and describes its power to lift mankind from its earthbound state and unite us with the indwelling God. To Dr. Thind, life is an adventure. “All things worthwhile in life…are adventures in which the human spirit goes out to experience the realities of life.” But in so doing, we encounter not only pleasure and happiness, but also hardship and suffering, which are equally essential to the human experience. The true path lies not in denying these, but in transcending life’s inevitable ups and downs by uniting them through meditation on the Na¯m. Indeed, it is our “adventure” in the world of opposites that gives the human spirit the strength and vitality it needs to complete its own fulfillment. Sansa¯r Rogi Na¯m Da¯ru, literally translated as “Mankind is sick; Na¯m is the medicine,” is Dr. Thind’s diagnosis, prescription, and prognosis for mankind. “The goal of all science and scholarship is the glorious spiritual communion with the indwelling Lord of our own life.… Only through communion with the Living Word can the body heal its hurts, the mind outgrow its doubts, the heart conquer fear and sorrow and rise victorious over the dolors of death. Progress, more progress, ever upward and Godward, is the magical panacea for all our ills.”
  • In this powerful short work, Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind extols the virtues of Nãm meditation and describes its power to lift mankind from its earthbound state and unite us with the indwelling God. To Dr. Thind, life is an adventure. “All things worthwhile in life…are adventures in which the human spirit goes out to experience the realities of life.” But in so doing, we encounter not only pleasure and happiness, but also hardship and suffering, which are equally essential to the human experience. The true path lies not in denying these, but in transcending life’s inevitable ups and downs by uniting them through meditation on the Na¯m. Indeed, it is our “adventure” in the world of opposites that gives the human spirit the strength and vitality it needs to complete its own fulfillment. Sansãr Rogi Nãm Dãru, literally translated as “Mankind is sick; Nã is the medicine,” is Dr. Thind’s diagnosis, prescription, and prognosis for mankind. “The goal of all science and scholarship is the glorious spiritual communion with the indwelling Lord of our own life.… Only through communion with the Living Word can the body heal its hurts, the mind outgrow its doubts, the heart conquer fear and sorrow and rise victorious over the dolors of death. Progress, more progress, ever upward and Godward, is the magical panacea for all our ills
  • In this, the final volume of the series Jesus, the Christ, Dr. -Bhagat Singh Thind -continues his careful and critical examination of the scriptures and practices of Christianity, and contrasts them with the requisites of true spiritual growth and the unification of man and God.

    Dr. Thind asks hard questions, and answers them with keen and cutting insight. Why was God’s greatest creation—man—so imperfect as to require a savior? Why did God wait millennia before sending him; and why is man’s redemption still incomplete, two thousand years later? How—and by whom—were the gospels composed, and why is there no record of Jesus’ life other than the brief period of his ministry? What meaning can we ascribe to some of Jesus’ apparently irrational words and deeds? And why does Jesus never smile, but often weep?

    No defunct savior—be he Christian or Sikh, Jew or Gentile—can ever save mankind. Rather, a living and present guru is needed to assist each individual in seeking his own perfect unification with God, which can only be accomplished through meditation on His Holy Na¯m. The seeker must transcend both his human and animal nature, and all other pairs of opposites, knowing that struggle and suffering are essential to the growth of the soul on its Godward path. Ultimately, we must learn to see reality with God’s eyes, as He Himself sees it.

    This rational, pragmatic, and testable -approach to -religion is the essence of Sant-Mat, or Spiritual Science. Indeed, science and religion are complementary, not opposites—for, as Dr. Thind points out, what is true in one cannot be false in the other.

    ISBN: 978-1-932630-77-0
  • Doctorji Bio Born in the holy city of Armritsar and educated at Khalsa College, Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind arrived in the United States in 1912 and became a great teacher of purest spirituality, whose legacy continues to inspire truth-seekers to this day. During his early years in the lumber mills of the Pacific Northwest, Dr. Thind was active in the Gardar movement, helping to secure the same liberty for Indians at home that he and other immigrants sought in America. After a brief stint in the U.S. Army during World War 1, he embarked on a lifelong career of lecturing and writing that would eventually reach millions of truth-seekers worldwide. At the same time, he fought for--and eventually won American citizenship, a struggle that included a "landmark" Supreme Court case with a regrettable outcome. In 1929 Dr. Thind, or "Doctorji" as his students lovingly called him, began to publish--nearly a dozen books in his lifetime, with more than a score available today. In them, he set forth the profound philosophy of Spiritual Science, a tested method of uniting the individual soul with its ultimate Creator, which he insisted each person must do for himself. This long-awaited biography, including dozens of rare photographs, traces the footsteps of Dr. Thind's remarkable life, outlines the core principles of his teachings, and examines his legacy through the personal recollections of students and family who knew Doctorji first-hand.


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