Celebrate the life and service of Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind with this limited production of the Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind Commemorative Coin! This beautiful coin was designed for the 2016 Sikhlens Film Festival. Supplies are limited for this coin so order now! Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind Commemorative Coin. One coin per order. $250 for each coin.
“Every object which is not a product of nature, but is the result of man’s creative intelligence, requires a maker. The creator and Ruler of the world is omnipotent; He rewards the virtuous and punishes the vicious. In His government, there is no favoritism. But He has infinite mercy for those who repent and purify. Not a straw shakes without His knowledge or will. He knows whatever we do, even in the greatest secrecy. He is omnipresent and omniscient. There is nothing beyond Him. He is infinite. He is the cause of everything but has no cause for His own being. He is supreme, infinite, and perfect.” -Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind 978-1-932630-70-1
Troubled Mind in a Torturing World is a collection of seventeen essays looking at the things that separate man from God in the torturing modern world. It is being published posthumously after Dr. Thind’s departure from this world on September 15, 1967, to his Heavenly Abode. He had intended to dedicate this book to his father and teacher, Boota Singh Thind. Dr. Thind was deeply influenced by his father’s benevolence toward his fellow human beings and his deepest love of the Almighty God. Dr. Thind was inspired by his father’s spiritual accomplishments, which left an indelible impression on the author’s mind. He followed his father’s legacy throughout his entire life and built on it. In the lectures to vast audiences in cities throughout the United States, Dr. Thind often said, “The destiny of God is the most profitable discovery—and it certainly is.” Now read about this discovery for yourself. Chapters include: When Vision Fails at the Top; Declaration of My Independence and Interdependence; The Rise of Machine and the Fall of Man; Mind Cures Come and Mind Cures Go; Japa-Jap, or Mental Meditation.
This book is the second of three volumes in the series Jesus, the Christ in the Light of Spiritual Science. It has been often iterated and reiterated—but never sufficiently—that the Kingdom of God is within and everyone, regardless of cast, color, or creed, can enjoy the full, real, radiant, resonant, power-filled presence of the Lord of his life, and be identical with the Lord, co-operant, and participant with Him. This is the eternal emphasis of Sat-Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikh Religion, no less than it is that of Jesus Christ. Salvation is not an annihilation of individuality, nor a union of man and God in which man is no more and is the loser; it is the most living, loving, and creative fellowship of man and God, in which man becomes ever more Godlike. Eternal life is a present possession and not a post-mortem realization. If chemicals can restore the yield of worn-out soil, can we hope to renew the tissues and energies of our worn-out minds and inner beings through the life-restoring forces of the Word of God—the Holy Nam, the perpetual reservoir pf verities, and vitalities? Are these key-chemicals of life and body the lack of which makes men weak and woebegone, and the abundance of which makes them worthy, wise, wonderful and Godlike? What Dr. Thind writes in these pages is not only true for him but is testable by all.
This is the third in a series of four volumes written for those who have freed themselves of orthodox religious thinking and those who are ready to free themselves. Completed shortly before Dr. Thind’s death, September, 15, 1967, Volume 111 of this series is now published at the request and with the financial help of his many disciples. The four volumes of Jesus, the Christ, in the Light of Spiritual Science will serve all who are fortunate enough to understand and appreciate their content. They serve as a springboard to greater spiritual heights, wherein one appreciates more than ever the message of the Sat-Gurus, Saviors, Avatars, and Christs, of whom Jesus the Christ was one. From the text . . . “Many things that Jesus taught were never reported not written and many things written and reported were neither uttered by him nor entertained….” “To rightly know Him, we must have a mind freed from our projections upon Him of our own private ideas. . . " “There are many religions, but only one Morality, one Truth, and one God. The only Heaven is one of conscious life and fellowship with God. . .” “Spiritual Science needs no altar, no priesthood, no spiritual brokers, who make deals for humanity on the floor of the Celestial Exchange. . . " “Church thinking is done under prescription while investigating spirit is the essence of Sant-Mat, the Spiritual Science.” “This book deals with the Science of human nature and its transfiguration and transformation.”
A child’s mental faculties should be cultivated as early as possible, and a child should be taught early the difference between knowing a thing and thinking or believing it. Training if a child’s understanding is far more important than acquiring mere academic erudition. Judgement is more important than reading, and learning is of no use if the understanding be not with it. Train the understanding , the judgement, and reason, and the training of all other faculties will be included in the process. India’s method is to develop the goodness, truth, and beauty that lie latent within each and all, and thus to form an independent , self-sufficient individual and foster the idea of inner freedom. To form high character and to teach the young to take a pleasurable interest in observing and forming correct judgments on many questions with which they meet in everyday life is precisely our object in mind-training.
No educational system can be called right which does not involve the exercise of judgement and call into expression the positive and divine nature of the child, so that evil will have less room to expand.
---Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind
Every human being is a Sikh, a learner, and he or she should be proud of being a Sikh, a disciple who seeks to know his Master through the aid of the grace of the Teacher—the Lord God. The holiest name of God is Wahiguru—the wonderful Teacher. A man is known by the god he worships. The God a Sikh adores is the Most High Knower and Changer of Hearts, the Light of all Lights, who teaches through love and compassion and constant care and help and protection. The Sikh prays simultaneously to the Lord and the guru; he tells the God-guru his difficulties and troubles, and he is at peace. Having prayed, he walks on and forgets to think about the results of his prayer. If He answers the call, well and good; if He does not, still well and good: His will must prevail and be accepted. God knows best. And the Sikh can and does pray at any time and every time, with his head covered, shoes put off, and hands folded; standing by the road, in the temple, on the battlefield, in his home. He prays at a birth, at a death, at a marriage, at a parting, before meals, after meals, and on any and every occasion. Sometimes is not a full prayer, but just an uttering of te divine name Wahiguru—the Wonderful Teacher—all knowing, all protecting.