A child’s mental faculties should be cultivated as early as possible, and a child should be taught early the difference  between knowing a thing and thinking or believing it. Training if a child’s understanding is far more important  than acquiring mere academic erudition. Judgement is more important than reading, and learning is of no use if the understanding be not with it. Train the understanding , the judgement, and reason, and the training of all other faculties will be included in the process. India’s method is to develop the goodness, truth, and beauty that lie latent within each and all, and thus to form an independent , self-sufficient individual and foster the idea of inner freedom. To form high character and to teach the young to take a pleasurable interest in observing and forming correct judgments on many questions with which they meet in everyday life is precisely our object in mind-training.

    No educational system can be called right which does not involve the exercise of judgement and call into expression the positive  and divine nature of the child, so that evil will have  less room to expand.


—Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind