
Doctor exemplified his teachings by his own transformed and beautifully lived life. He was a fountainhead of energy and wisdom; a teacher after which we need no other teacher.

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Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind Spiritual Science Foundation

The Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind Spiritual Science Foundation was founded on January 9, 2003, for the purpose of distributing the spiritual teachings of one of the greatest spiritual avatars of the twentieth century, Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind.

It is estimated that in his fifty-two years of teaching, Dr. Thind lectured to more than five million Americans on the power of the Holy Nãm. In the course of his career, he also served in the U.S. Army, worked actively in India’s independence movement, and assisted many Indian students in completing their education in the United States.
Dr. Thind was born on October 3, 1892, in the state of Punjab, India, and received his early education within its Sikh community. After reading Emerson, Whitman, and Thoreau, he was inspired to fulfill his destiny as a spiritual teacher. He came to the U.S. in 1913 to pursue higher education, and earned a Ph.D. while working in the lumber mills of Washington and Oregon. His original intent was to become a lawyer, but he faced one obstacle—lawyers were required to be U.S. citizens. Thus commenced an eighteen-year campaign to become a citizen, during which citizenship was granted and rescinded three times. Eventually Dr. Thind’s case went from the Oregon District Court to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and eventually to the U.S. Supreme Court which, in 1923, issued a landmark decision lumping East Indians together with all other “non-white” races, effectively ending U.S. citizenship for all Asian immigrants for the next twenty-three years.

The sole purpose of the Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind Spiritual Science Foundation is to bring Dr. Thind’s message to the world by means of his teachings, which have appeared in more than one hundred books, e-books, DVDs, CDs, pamphlets and booklets. The long-awaited biography of Dr. Thind, Doctorji: His Life, Teachings, and Legacy is now available. We are also proud to announce the availability of Dr. Thind’s documentary, entitled “Doctor Ji—A Life Realized.” A copy of the trailer is now available for purchase on our web site: In addition, the full thirty-minute documentary is available to be shown to larger audiences by contacting the publishers. To date, the documentary has been shown in three film festivals and is scheduled for several more previews this year.

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The Foundation currently has four U.S. book distributors, one international distributor, and several online vendors, as follows:

National Distributors
New Leaf Distributing
Baker & Taylor
The Distributors

International Distributors
Gazelle Books (U.K.)
New Age Books (India)

Online Vendors

Please review the attached list of works by Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind, and visit for more information on Dr. Thind’s life and teachings.

David Bhagat Thind, co-publisher
Justin Bhagat Thind, co-publisher

Works by Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind


Doctorji: the Life, Teachings, and Legacy of Dr. B.S. Thind (978-1-932630-90-9) $25.00
The Enlightened Life: Seven Meditation Lessons (978-1-932630-55-8) $15.00
Tested Universal Science of Individual Meditation… (978-1-932630-56-5) $20.00
Fix Winners and Whiners in this Whirling World (978-1-932630-01-5) $25.00
Soul Celestial (A Bible of Humanity,Volume I) (978-1-932630-61-9 $20.00
Wisdom and the Wheel (A Bible for Humanity, Volume II) (978-1-932630-70-1) $20.00
House of Happiness (978-0-9742837-2-2) $15.00
Troubled Mind in a Torturing World and their Conquest (978-0-9742837-0-8) $20.00
The Pearl of Greatest Price (978-0-9742837-4-6) $20.00
Radiant Road to Reality (4th Edition) (978-0-9742837-1-5) $20.00
Science of Union with God (2nd Edition) (978-0-9742837-3-9) $20.00
Jesus the Christ, in the Light of Spiritual Science
Volume I (978-0-9742837-5-3) $15.00
Volume II(978-0-9742837-6-0) $15.00
Volume III (978-0-9742837-7-7) $15.00
Volume IV (978-0-932630-83-1) $15.00
All Four Volumes $50.00
Divine Wisdom
Volume I: Man is Deity in Expression (3rd Edition) (978-1-932630-71-8) $15.00
Volume II: Salve for the Sores of Souls (3rd Edition) (978-1-932630-72-5) $15.00
Sansãr Rogi Nãm Dãru or The Living Word of God (978-1-932630-84-8) $15.00


Doctorji: The Life, Teachings, and Legacy of Dr. B.S. Thind (978-1-932630-75-6) $10.00
The Enlightened Life: Seven Meditation Lessons (978-1-932630-76-3) $10.00
Tested Universal Science of Individual Meditation (978-1-932630-81-7) $10.00
Winners and Whiners in this Whirling World (978-1-932630-82-4) $10.00
Soul Celestial (A Bible of Humanity, Volume I) (978-1-932630-79-4) $10.00
Wisdom and the Wheel (A Bible of Humanity, Volume II) (978-1-932630-85-5) $10.00
Troubled Mind in a Torturing World and Their  Conquest (978-1-932630-80-0) $10.00
Jesus the Christ, in the Light of Spiritual Science, Volume IV (978-1-932630-77-0) $10.00
Divine Wisdom Volume I (3rd Edition) (978-1-932630-73-2) $10.00
Divine Wisdom Volume II (3rd Edition) (978-1-932630-74-6) $10.00
Sansãr Rogi Nãm Dãru or The Living Word of God (2nd Edition) (978-1-932630-78-7)
Aura Visualization & Astrology and Personality (978-1-943259-40-3) $10.00

PDF books

Aura Visualization & Astrology and Personality (978-1-943259-41-0)
Divine Wisdom Volume I: Man is Deity in Expression (978-1-932630-87-9) $10.00
Divine Wisdom Volume II: Salve for the Sores of Souls (978-1-932630-88-6) $10.00
Doctorji: The Life, Teachings, and Legacy of Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind
(2 versions: one high resolution) (978-1-932630-89-3) $10.00
Enlightened Life: Seven Meditation Lessons (978-1-932630-91-6) $10.00
Sansãr Rogi Nãm Dãru or The Living Word of God (978-1-932630-93-0) $10.00
Soul Celestial (A Bible of Humanity for Supreme Wisdom, Vol. I) (978-1-932630-94-7) $10.00
Troubled Mind in a Torturing World and Their Conquest (978-1-932630-95-4) $10.00
Tested Universal Science of Individual Meditation in Sikh Religion (978-1-932630-96-1) $10.00
Winners and Whiners in this Whirling World (978-1-932630-97-8) $10.00
Wisdom and the Wheel (A Bible of Humanity for Supreme Wisdom,Vol.II) (978-1-932630-98-5) $10.00


Sant Mat: A Practical Guide to the Definitive Terms of Sant Mat (978-1-932630-86-2) $10.00
Missing Link of Psychology and Religion (978-1-932630-57-2)
(Meditation Lessons 1, 2, and 3) $5.00
Science of Breathing and Glands:“Glands and Gladness” (978-1-932630-48-0)
Booklet and DVD together (978-1-932630-60-0) $10.00
Overcoming Old Age (978-1-932630-50-3) $10.00
Heaven’s Healing Harmonies in Human Diet (978-1-932630-51-0) $10.00
Fluids of Human Body and Elixirs of Life  (978-1-932630-49-7) $10.00
Sansãr Rogi Nãm Dãru: How to be Spiritually Shock Proof (978-1-932630-52-7) . $10.00
The Living Word of God: Five Lessons for Righteous Living (978-1-932630-58-9) $10.00
Thought and Mirth Provoking Parables and Jokes (978-1-932630-59-6) $10.00
Aura Visualization & Astrology and Personality (978-1-943259-39-7) $10.00


Spiritual Science Marriage Ceremonial (978-1-932630-66-4) $5.00
Mysteries of the Kingdom Within (978-1-932630-62-6) $5.00
Matchless Methodology of Mind-Training (978-1-932630-63-3) $5.00
A Sikh and Sikhism (978-1-932630-67-1) $5.00
Religion and Civilization (978-1-932630-65-7) $5.00
The Sermon on the Mount (978-1-932630-64-0) $5.00
India’s Ancient Aryan Prayer(978-1-932630-69-5) $5.00
Surely There’s Nothing Wrong with You That Reincarnation Wouldn’t Cure (978-1-932630-68-8) $5.00
The Bible of Humanity for supreme wisdom (978-1-932630-53-4) $5.00
Soul Celestial—The Darling of God (978-1-932630-54-1) $5.00


Doctor Ji: A Life Realized, Promotional Trailer (978-0-9859016-2-2) Promotional Trailer of the Full 30-Minute Documentary on the Life,teachings, and legacy of Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind. $10.00
Science of Breathing and Glands (978-1-932630-60-2) $15.00
Science of Breathing and Glands (nEw 2nd Ed.) w/ Booklet (978-1-932630-99-2) Introducing the newest DVD, with new footage and breathing techniques by Dr. Thind and students, packaged with a fully revised instructional booklet! $25.00
Doctor Ji: A Life Realized: A 30-minute documentary on the life
and legacy of Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind (978-0-9859016-2-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Available for private screenings only

Original Series of Lectures by Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind


Vol. 24. God-Centered versus Ego-Centered (978-1-943259-01-4)$10.00

Vol. 1. Harmony with the Self: The Driving Force of Our Lives (June 1965) (978-1-932630-74-9) $5.00
Vol. 2. Be Sincere, Not Ostentatious (Thanksgiving, Detroit) (978-1-932630-75-6) $5.00
Vol. 3. Winners & Whiners in this Whirling World (978-1-932630-76-3) $5.00
Vol. 4. Improving the Self (978-1-932630-77-0) $5.00
Vol. 5. Moral Freedom to Do the Right Thing (978-1-932630-78-7) $5.00
Vol. 6. Do Your Best and You Shall be Blessed (Dec. 9, 1964) (978-1-932630-79-4) $5.00
Vol. 7. Overcome the World. Live Above It (Oklahoma City, 1964) (978-1-932630-80-0) $5.00
Vol. 8. The Real Radiant Road to Reality: Standing in the Way of the Sun
(August 11, 1959) (978-1-932630-81-7)
Vol. 9. Tributes and Testimonials from Dr. Thind’s Disciples (978-1-932630-82-4) $5.00
Vol. 10. Power of the Spirit Current :Mind of Man/Mind in Man (978-1-932630-85-5) $5.00
Vol. 11. The Evolution of the Soul and Laws of the Universe Apply to All (978-1-932630-86-2) $5.00
Vol. 12. Liberation from the Mortal Body (november 9, 1966) (978-1-932630-87-9) $5.00
Vol. 13. Techniques of Meditation (978-1-932630-88-6) $5.00
Vol. 14. Vitality is the Divine Energy of the Spirit Current (978-1-932630-89-3) $5.00
Vol. 15. On Freedom and Free Will (978-1-932630-91-6) $5.00
Vol. 16. Troubles are Often Blessings in Disguise (978-1-932630-92-3) $5.00
Vol. 17. Your Mind is not Free, You are not Free (978-1-932630-93-0) $5.00
Vol. 18. The Science of Breathing and Glands (978-1-932630-94-7) $5.00
Vol. 19. Radiant Health: Breathing Exercises (978-1-932630-95-4) $5.00
Vol. 20. Work with the Laws of the Universe and Your Life will be Good (978-1-932630-96-1) $5.00
Vol. 21. Seeing and Experiencing God (978-1-932630-97-8) $5.00
Vol. 22. The Science of the Saviours (978-1-932630-98-5) $5.00
Vol. 23. In the Midst of Multiformity, one Must seek Unity (978-1-943259-00-7) $5.00
Vol. 25. Guidance Comes from Within You: We have an Internal Compass (God) (978-1-943259-02-1) $5.00
Vol. 26. On Meditation (978-1-943259-03-8) $5.00
Vol. 27. How to Strengthen your Soul (978-1-943259-04-5) $5.00
Vol. 28. God-Consciousness: Physically Manifested (978-1-943259-05-2) $5.00
Vol. 29. On Consciousness and Divine Awareness (978-1-943259-06-9) $5.00


Vol. 1. We Ought to Escape Tyranny, Vulgarization and standardization (978-1-943259-07-6) $4.00
Vol. 2. Divine Power is already inside of you (978-1-943259-08-3) $4.00
Vol. 3. How to overcome suffering and sorrow (978-1-943259-09-0) $4.00
Vol. 4. Meditation and Visualization guidance (978-1-943259-10-6) $4.00
Vol. 5. The soul Current (978-1-943259-11-3) $4.00
Vol. 6. Do not Concern yourself with what others think of you (978-1-943259-12-0) $4.00
Vol. 7. Human nature (978-1-943259-13-7) $4.00
Vol. 8. The Difference between opinions and Facts (978-1-943259-14-4) $4.00
Vol. 9. What and where is god? (978-1-943259-15-1) $4.00
Vol. 10. Karma is the Law of human Freedom (978-1-943259-16-8 ) $4.00
Vol. 11. The soul is immortal (978-1-943259-17-5) $4.00
Vol. 12. Higher self versus Lower self (978-1-943259-18-2) $4.00
Vol. 13. How to have a Conscious Mind (978-1-943259-19-9) $4.00
Vol. 14. Love actively Expressed (978-1-943259-20-5) $4.00
Vol. 15. How to Deal with Conflict (978-1-943259-21-2) $4.00
Vol. 16. The Dynamics of intimate relationships (978-1-943259-22-9) $4.00
Vol. 17. Talents of the heart and Mind (978-1-943259-23-6) $4.00
Vol. 18. Man’s Quest for god (978-1-943259-24-3) $4.00
Vol. 19. Happiness Does not Come Externally (978-1-943259-25-0) $4.00
Vol. 20. The kingdom of heaven is within you (978-1-943259-26-7) $4.00
Vol. 21. Radiant health (breathing and glands Exercise) (978-1-943259-27-4 ) $4.00
Vol. 22. Destiny, Divinity and Dignity (978-1-943259-28-1) $4.00
Vol. 23. To thine own self be true: you Cannot Come to god
Unless you Come to yourself (978-1-943259-29-8)
Vol. 24. The importance of being receptive to god (978-1-943259-30-4) $4.00
Vol. 25. God is the only one who Can grant you Peace (978-1-943259-31-1) $4.00
Vol. 26. If you want to grow, Put truth and righteousness First (978-1-943259-32-8) $4.00
Vol. 27. How to have a strong Life Force (Prana) (978-1-943259-33-5) $4.00
Vol. 28. The relationship between the soul and Ego (978-1-943259-34-2) $4.00
Vol. 29. The importance of soul growth (978-1-943259-35-9) $4.00
Vol. 30. How to be at Peace with yourself (978-1-943259-36-6) $4.00
Vol. 31. On the human Experience (978-1-943259-37-3) $4.00
Vol. 32. Our inner being is the agency of nam (978-1-943259-38-0 $4.00


Vol. 1. The Pearl of greatest Price (978-1-932630-02-2) $5.00
 Vol. 2. Escape tyranny (978-1-932630-03-9) $5.00
Vol. 3. Give Up your Likes and Dislikes (978-1-932630-04-6) $8.00
 Vol. 4. When Life Lets you Down (978-1-932630-05-3) $10.00
Vol. 5. Can we talk to the Dead? (978-1-932630-06-0) $8.00
Vol. 6. Occasions arise when the Mind hesitates… & Concentrations (978-1-932630-07-7) $10.00
Vol. 7. Meditation 1 and 2 (978-1-932630-08-4) $10.00
Vol. 8. What shall Fill our hearts…? (978-1-932630-09-1) $8.00
Vol. 9. Elite Minds… & soul at Death (978-1-932630-10-7) $10.00
Vol. 10. Progress through Ego Centeredness & Planned Chaos (978-1-932630-11-4) $10.00
Vol. 11. The Facts of nature are not Man Made (978-1-932630-12-1) $10.00
Vol. 12. All Vitality of the Physical Plane… (978-1-932630-13-8) $5.00
Vol. 13. The supreme authority in religion… (978-1-932630-14-5) $8.00
Vol. 14. What is true Progress? (978-1-932630-15-2) $10.00
Vol.15. The true teacher (978-1-932630-16-9) $10.00
Vol. 16. The world is Called karma Dhuni (978-1-932630-17-6) $10.00
Vol. 17. What is Dharma? (978-1-932630-18-3) $8.00
Vol. 18. There are two Paths… (978-1-932630-19-0) $8.00
Vol. 19. The Master immersed in Meditation…(978-1-932630-20-6) $10.00
Vol. 20. Pent Up Snxieties… (978-1-932630-21-3) $10.00
Vol. 21. The subconscious Mind is the Camera obscura… (978-1-932630-22-0) $3.00
Vol. 22. Advanced Lessons (978-1-932630-23-7) $5.00
Vol. 23. Meditation Manuscripts & the subconscious Mind (978-1-932630-24-4) $5.00


Vol 1 The Pearl of Greatest Price (978-1-932630-25-1) Free (except shipping)
Vol 2 Escape Tyranny (978-1-932630-26-8) Free (except shipping)
Vol 3 Give Up Your Likes and Dislikes (978-1-932630-27-5) Free (except shipping)
Vol 4 When Life Lets You Down (978-1-932630-28-2) Free (except shipping)
Vol 5 Can We Talk to the Dead? (978-1-932630-29-9) Free (except shipping)
Vol 6 Occasions Arise when the Mind Hesitates & Concentrations (978-1-932630-30-5) Free (except shipping)
Vol 7 Meditation 1 and 2 (978-1-932630-31-2) Free (except shipping)
Vol 8 What Shall Fill Our Hearts? (978-1-932630-32-9) Free (except shipping)
Vol 9 Elite Minds & Soul at Death (978-1-932630-33-6) Free (except shipping)
Vol 10 Progress through Ego Centeredness & Planned Chaos (978-1-932630-34-3) Free (except shipping)
Vol 11 The Facts of Nature are not Man Made (978-1-932630-35-0) Free (except shipping)
Vol 12 All Vitality of the Physical Plane… (978-1-932630-36-7) Free (except shipping)
Vol 13 The Supreme Authority in Religion… (978-1-932630-37-4) Free (except shipping)
Vol 14 What is True Progress? (978-1-932630-38-1) Free (except shipping)
Vol 15 The True Teacher (978-1-932630-39-8) Free (except shipping)
Vol 16 The World is Called Karma Dhuni (978-1-932630-40-4) Free (except shipping)
Vol 17 What is Dharma? (978-1-932630-41-1) Free (except shipping)
Vol 18 There are Two Paths… (978-1-932630-42-8) Free (except shipping)
Vol 19 The Master Immersed in Meditation (978-1-932630-43-5) Free (except shipping)
Vol 20 Pent Up Anxieties (978-1-932630-44-2) Free (except shipping)
Vol 22 Advanced Lessons (978-1-932630-46-6) Free (except shipping)
Vol 23 Meditation Manuscripts & The Subconscious Mind (978-1-932630-47-3) Free (except shipping)

Price varies based on quality of sound.

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  • “Truth is not the denial of anything in life. It is the fulfillment of all things." In this series of seven lectures, Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind addresses the defining metaphysical concepts of Sikhism and discusses some of the more practical aspects of realizing the divine wisdom that lies within us all, here and now. A master rhetorician as well as an accomplished spiritual adept, Dr.Thind illustrates his lucid explanation of subtle but profound spiritual truths with traditional stories from his native India and entertaining anecdotes from his own experiences as a student and teacher of the path to realization. In this way, Dr. Thind leads the student to ask and answer such questions as how the will can coexist with nature and Godhead; how to develop personal magnetism as a tool for realization; how to manifest the latent energy of shakti and open up the seven chakras in daily life and spiritual practice; how to conquer the passions that drive worldly affairs and turn them to divine use; how to harness the power of concentration in meditation; how to use sex energy constructively; and much more. Divine wisdom is not some distant object to be attained; it is latent within each of us, waiting to be realized.
  • The aim of education is the development of a unified personality, in which all units of man’s being work together harmoniously. But how is this to be brought about? And where is this whole-making force? What opportunity exists for personal progress without knowledge of the units of man’s total being? And how can man know himself, if he remains ignorant of the forces that make him what he is? We are weak and fearful as long as we rely upon ourselves along. Let us enter the Whole-Being, of whom we are but a small segment, and we shall be filled with the fullness of His life. The deification of our nature is a thing to strive for: the strengthening and refreshing of our souls come from the Living Word, the Holy Nam or Surt-Shabad—the Lifestream of the Lord, the only unifying power in the cosmos. No scientific laws ever discovered or discoverable can compare in importance and necessity with the discovery of this Living Word, of Power, which unifies man’s whole being and makes him one in nature and character with his indwelling God. It comes not upward from below, but downward from above, to lift the soul up. The Pearl of Greatest Price is for all who seek to go ever onward, forward, and Godward. In God’s constant comradeship, ever hell itself becomes Paradise; and without Him, Paradise is hell. Only the most fortunate and elect of souls study such unparalleled books and become worthy to be connected with God’s Life Stream within them.
  • Tested Universal Science of Individual Meditation in Sikh Religion contains eight inspiring lessons on finding spiritual truth by means of scientific investigation into the human soul. These lessons, originally presented as lectures by Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind, focus uplifting the vital and physical man in each of us, with no spiritual ideal liberating us from ourselves into our inner being. All conscious, subconscious, and unconscious activity of man’s mind functions purposefully as a unifying principle and power of the innate Godhead. Lying behind all phenomena is the power of God, which coordinates and correlates all into unity and synthesis; its name is Nam. Conditioned beings residing in conditioned existence can never free themselves to join the unconditioned and uncreated God, except by the grace and power of His Holy Nam, knowledge of which is vouchsafed by the gracious guru. By putting these blessed teachings of Sa-Guru Bhagat Singh Thind into practice, those seeking wisdom will learn to become one with both themselves and God.
  • “Winners and Whiners in This Whirling World is a collection of thirty-five spiritual discourses that explains to the reader seeking truth that the end or fulfillment of life is self realization through self knowledge. Dr. Thind teaches us how to transcend pain and pleasure and taste the source. He explains that one must renew one’s self, go back to his original source, put a halt to the eternal flux, and enter divine presence, there to be renewed by God’s regenerative and sustaining powers and come back to the natural world at will. This is the true meaning of meditation. The first requisite is listening to the Shabad, the Word, Second is seeing the God-form of the guru shining gloriously. Then occurs the joining of the two: Himself becomes one with the form of God in the guru. He becomes Immanuel. His Immanuel becomes a living reality to human consciousness. Now, read these spiritual gems by Dr. Thind and unite your mind with the mind of God.
  • Born in the holy city of Amritsar and educated at Khalsa College, Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind arrived in the United States in 1912 and became a great teacher of purest spirituality, whose legacy contin­ues to inspire truth-seekers to this day.

    During his early years in the lumber mills of the Pacific Northwest, Dr. Thind was active in the Gadar movement, help­ing to secure the same liberty for Indians at home that he and other immigrants sought in America.

    After a brief stint in the U.S. Army during World War I, he embarked on a lifelong career of lecturing and writing that would eventually reach millions of truth-seekers worldwide.

    At the same time, he fought for—and eventually won—American citizenship, a struggle that included a “landmark” Supreme Court case with a most regret­table outcome.

    In the 1950s Dr. Thind, or “Doctorji” as his students lovingly called him, began to publish—nearly a dozen books in his lifetime, with more than a score available today. In them he set forth the profound philosophy of Spiritual Science, a tested method of uniting the individual soul with its ultimate Creator, which he in­sisted each person must do for himself.

    This long-awaited biography, includ­ing dozens of rare photographs, traces the footsteps of Dr. Thind’s remarkable life, outlines the core principles of his teach­ings, and examines his legacy through the personal recollections of students and family who knew Doctorji first-hand.

  • Glands and Gladness Vitamins & Vitality "Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life" The air we breathe is the atmosphere that surrounds us, if it be foul and filthy our health is impaired., be it good and wholesome, we are favorably healthfully affected by it. There is a mental atmosphere in which we live, which gives color to our lives, though often unseen affects us no less for grief or gladness, for moral exaltation or diabolical degradation. Nothing exerts so great an influence on our Psychial organisms as the moral atmosphere which we breathe. The atmosphere moulds the mind, discipline can overcome a nasty environment add to the nicety of an already nice surrounding and make it more conducive for human growth and goodness. The Ideal Life of those who we love and look up to either adds to our weal, or by the illusions we are rocked to our foundations, and by woes done to death or phoenix-like  we rise from our ashes a new-born god to be directed and governed from now on by Truth and Truth alone, leaving our mental childhood behind us; and see things as they really are from now on. Now study this booklet and learn how to acquire Radiant Health. -Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind
    ISBN: 978-1-932630-50-3
  • Subtitle: How to be Spiritually Shock-Proof in a Disturbing World In this powerful short work, Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind extols the virtues of Na¯m meditation and describes its power to lift mankind from its earthbound state and unite us with the indwelling God. To Dr. Thind, life is an adventure. “All things worthwhile in life…are adventures in which the human spirit goes out to experience the realities of life.” But in so doing, we encounter not only pleasure and happiness, but also hardship and suffering, which are equally essential to the human experience. The true path lies not in denying these, but in transcending life’s inevitable ups and downs by uniting them through meditation on the Na¯m. Indeed, it is our “adventure” in the world of opposites that gives the human spirit the strength and vitality it needs to complete its own fulfillment. Sansa¯r Rogi Na¯m Da¯ru, literally translated as “Mankind is sick; Na¯m is the medicine,” is Dr. Thind’s diagnosis, prescription, and prognosis for mankind. “The goal of all science and scholarship is the glorious spiritual communion with the indwelling Lord of our own life.… Only through communion with the Living Word can the body heal its hurts, the mind outgrow its doubts, the heart conquer fear and sorrow and rise victorious over the dolor’s of death. Progress, more progress, ever upward and Godward, is the magical panacea for all our ills.”

    ISBN: 978-1-932630-52-7

  • "We need the Word of God to break up the sluggishness, the weariness, the inertia of the moments in our life that are our very own.” Light and love could not pour into us unless we were built of both light and love and so could draw both from the depths of life’s ocean by native attraction to the Nam—their source and strength. Nature is organizationally a magazine of incompatibilities. Man, never realizes God until he can experience this consciousness of the Nam, working in the ups and the downs of life and world, which removes all inner resentment and rebellion. Then he surrenders and feels at home in every situation. In the Nam is the profoundly wise duality of our inmost spirit, constructed for our immortal career for us in progression. ISBN: 978-1-932630-58-9
  • Most religions are like a combination salad: they are made up of a number of evergreen virtues, a choice set of handsome  dogmas, a little oil-of-beauty, a few slices of wholesome philosophy, seasoned with the salt and pepper of good works, favored with the dressing of prayer, garnished with an attractive ritual, and served by a polished waiter called a priest. This may have some value as a cleansing diet, but the Bread of Life is not in it. When the hungry soul contacts the Audible Life Stream, then and then alone does man enter upon life everlasting. And only the does he experience perfect love from above, vibrating through every fiber and pore of his being.
  • The Bhagavad Geeta and Sukh-Mani Sahib (of Guru Arjan) “The Consoler of Mind” are strongly recommended for divine Understanding. Also, “Radiant Road to Reality”
  • The Enlightened Life presents a collection of seven meditation lessons written by Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind to enable the seeker to find his own source of Truth though the daily practice of concentration and meditation. Dr. Thind explains that ignorance is the dark night of the soul, a night without stars or moon; it is the field in which all difficulties grow, in which all passions and weaknesses are born. The sage’s quest is for himself and within himself. He advances continually in the spiritual life by remaining carefully self-gathered within, and sees the gleam of true light there, which dispels all outer darkness. Whoever wishes to know the Truth must sound the depths of his own heart. The eternal cannot be seen, so long as mind in not as rest. The force of attention, properly guided and directed toward the Inner Life, allows us to analyze out soul, and will shed light on many things. The force of the mind resembles scattered rags; concentrate them, and they illumine everything. This is the sole source of knowledge we possess; to attain this knowledge there is only on method--concentration and meditation. In The Enlightened Life Dr. Thind offers the wisdom and guidance of a true sat-guru in the profound practice of meditation. For, as he often said, “Real action is done in moments of silence; there every battle is won before it is fought.” ISBN: 9781-932630-76-3
  • In this powerful short work, Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind extols the virtues of Nãm meditation and describes its power to lift mankind from its earthbound state and unite us with the indwelling God. To Dr. Thind, life is an adventure. “All things worthwhile in life…are adventures in which the human spirit goes out to experience the realities of life.” But in so doing, we encounter not only pleasure and happiness, but also hardship and suffering, which are equally essential to the human experience. The true path lies not in denying these, but in transcending life’s inevitable ups and downs by uniting them through meditation on the Na¯m. Indeed, it is our “adventure” in the world of opposites that gives the human spirit the strength and vitality it needs to complete its own fulfillment. Sansãr Rogi Nãm Dãru, literally translated as “Mankind is sick; Nã is the medicine,” is Dr. Thind’s diagnosis, prescription, and prognosis for mankind. “The goal of all science and scholarship is the glorious spiritual communion with the indwelling Lord of our own life.… Only through communion with the Living Word can the body heal its hurts, the mind outgrow its doubts, the heart conquer fear and sorrow and rise victorious over the dolors of death. Progress, more progress, ever upward and Godward, is the magical panacea for all our ills
  • "All Life on Earth is Breath. All Else on Earth is Death. Breath is the Flywheel of Life: Its Dynaspheric Finer Forces, Sanely Used, Add Years to Life and Life to Years." -- Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind There are 16 breathing exercises and 3 Asana Yoga Exercises included this major collection, illustrating Dr. Thind's most valued work on Breathing and Gland practices. These exercises are now and have been practiced daily by thousands of his students to strengthen the Natural Forces of the Spirit and Body. Dr.Thind firmly states, "Let no fool talk you out of these exercises. Prove all things and hold fast to what you have proven as good and useful. Radiant health will be yours through fulfillment of The Divine Laws of Health; without radiant health it is impossible for a person to meditate, and Commune with God." ISBN: 978-1-932630-60-2
  • 978-1-932630-04-6 Quality of Sound: Fair to Good
  • 978-1-932630-05-3 Quality of Sound: Good
  • 978-1-932630-06-0 Quality of Sound: Fair to Good
  • 978-1-932630-07-7 Quality of Sound: Good
  • 978-1-932630-09-1 Quality of Sound: Fair to Good
  • 978-1-932630-10-7 Quality of Sound: Good
  • 978-1-932630-12-1 Quality of Sound Good
  • 978-1-932630-13-8 Quality of Sound: Fair
  • 978-1-932630-14-5 Quality of Sound: Fair to Good
  • 978-1-932630-15-2 Quality of Sound: Good


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